AICAD Assessment Presentation by Debra Ballard 2/2018
Art and Design Colleges: Assessment on Their Own Terms by Debra Ballard
Art-Making in Undergraduate Curricula at Research Universities, Custom Research Brief, January 26th 2012
ArtsEngine: Art-making and the Arts in Research Universities, Strategic Task Forces March 2012 Interim Report
Arts and Humanities General Education Assessment: A Qualitative Approach to Developing Program Objectives, by Jilliam N.Joe, J. Christine Harmes, and Carol L. Barry. The Journal of General Education Oct. 2008, Vol. 57 Issue 3, p131-151
Assessing Creativity in the Creative Arts, by Rob Cowdroy and Anthony Williams. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 2006, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p97-117
Assessing Creativity: Strategies and Tools to Support Teaching and Learning in Architecture and Design, by Anthony Williams, Hedda Haugen Askland. Lead Institution: The University of Newcastle, 2012
Assessing Creativity Using the Consensual Assessment Technique by John Baer and Sharon S. McKool. Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods, and Applications in Higher Education, 2009
Assessing the long-term impact of a metacognitive approach to creative skill development, by Ryan A. Hargrove, 2012
Assessment Focus in Studio: What is Most Prominent in Architecture, Art, and Design? by Barbara de la Harpe, J. Fiona Peterson, Noel Frankham, Robert Zehner, Douglas Neale, Elizabeth Musgrave, and Ruth McDermott
Assessment of Graduate Programs in Art and Design, National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) 2009
Assessment of Performance in the Visual Arts: What, How, and Why by D. Boughton In Karpati, A., Gaul, E. (Eds.): From Child Art to Visual Culture of Youth - New Models and Tools for Assessment of Learning and Creation in Art Education. Intellect Press, Bristol, UK.
Assessment of Undergraduate Programs in Art and Design, National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) 2009
Assessment on Our Own Terms (NASAD), Policy Brief by NASAD, Jan. 2009
Assessment Practice in the Creative Arts by Grant Ellmers, 2006
Community of Practice Curricular Intersection Exemplar (Creativity and Innovation ILO) by Debra Ballard
Concept for Multi-Institutional Research Project: The Impact of Art-making in Research Universities on Student Creativity and Innovation, Chair: Sarah Bainter Cunningham, Director of Research in the Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2012
Creativity: What Is It? Can You Assess It? Can It Be Taught? by Lars Lindström, Journal of Art and Design Education, 22006
Designing Student Learning Outcomes in Undergradualte Architecture Education: Frameworks for Assessment by Leonard and Christine Bachman.
Drawing on Assessment: Using Visual Representations to Understand Students' Experiences of Assessment in Art and Design by Chris McKillop. Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education 2006 5 n02 131-144
Educational Assessment in Emerging Areas of Design: Toward to Development of a Systematic Framework Based on a Study of Rubrics by Stacie Rohrbach, Sheffield Hallam University.
Fostering creativity in the design studio: a framework towards effective pedagogical practices, by Ryan Hargrove, University of Kentucky, 2011
From Fine Art to Visual Culture: Assessment and the Changing Role of Art Education by Doug Boughton, International Journal of Education through Art 2005, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p211-223
Graphic Design Assessment by Stacie Rohrbach, Carnegie Mellon University
Intersections: The Utility of an ‘Assessment for Learning’ Discourse for Design Educators by Erik Bohemia, Kerry Harman and Liz McDowell
Knowledge Development Through Reflective Practice by Dermot Kehily
Qualitative Assessment of Arts Education by Robert Stake and April Munson. Haldref Publications, 2008
Reflection and Graphic Design Pedagogy by Grant Ellmers, 2006
Tacit Knowledge by Cynthia T Matthew and Robert Sternberg
A Tale of Two Rubrics: Improving Teaching and Learning Across the Content Areas through Assessment by Kenneth Wolf, Mary Connelly, and Ann Komara
Techniques for Encouraging Reflection in Design, by Moura Quayle and Douglas Paterson/Journal of Architectural Education, Vol. 42, No. 2 (Winter, 1989), pp. 30-42
The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on Creative Problem Solving, by Ryan A. Hargrove, University of Kentucky and John L. Nietfeld, North Carolina State University
Towards Transformation: Conceptions of Creativity in Higher Education by Paul Kleiman
The UnEssay: Making Room for Creativity in the Composition Classroom by Patrick Sullivan
Assessing the Impact of Library Instruction on Studio-Based Research by Ellen Petraits of RISD, Art Libraries Journal, Apr2017, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p80-85. (Login Required)
Research and ideas about teaching and assessing diversity are located on the TLC website.
Please see the tab on CRITIQUE
AAHE 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning, American Association of Higher Education Assessment Forum, 1996.
Analyzing the Appearance and Wording of Assessments: Understanding their Impact on Students’ Perception and Understanding, and Instructors’ Processes by Stacie Rohrbach, Carnegie Mellon University
Assessing E-Portfolios by Michael Reese, The Johns Hopkins University and Ron Levy, The Johns Hopkins University
Curriculum Mapping in Higher Education: A Vehicle for Collaboration by Kay Pippin Uchiyama and Jean L. Radin. Published online: 24 June 2008, Springer Science + Business Media
Digitized Student Portfolios by Kathleen Blake Yancey
Educational Assessment in Emerging Areas of Design: Toward the Development of a Systematic Framework Based on a Study of Rubrics by Stacie Rohrbach. Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive (SHURA), 2008
E-Portfolios and Assessment by Janet Strivens, David Baume, Simon Grant, Catherine Owen, Rob Ward, David Nicol
Learners' Lives: A Narrative Analysis by Heather J. Richmond. The Qualitative Report, Volume 7, Number 3 September, 2002
GD Education and Assessment by Grant Ellmers, Marius Foley, Dr. Sue Bennett, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, Vol 5/1, 2008
Practicing Liberal Education: Formative Themes in the Re-invention of Liberal Learning by Carol Geary Schneider, President, Association of American Colleges and Universities
Rebooting Graduate Education in the Humanities by William Pannapacker.Chronicle of Higher Education, January 7, 2013
Reflection, Integration, and ePortfolio Pedagogy by Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino and Judit Torok
Rest Is Not Idleness: Implications of the Brain's Default Mode for Human Development and Education by Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Joanna A. Christodoulou and Vanessa Singh. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2012 7: 352, Number 3
Rethinking Program Assessment through the Use of Program Alignment MappingTechnique Min Liu, Duff Wrobbel & Isaac Blankson. Communication Teacher (Routledge) Vol. 24, No.4, October 2010, pp. 238-246
The Role of e-Portfolios in Formative and Summative Assessment: Report of the JISC-funded Study, Centre for Recording Achievement for JISC by Janet Strivend, David Baume, Catherine Owen, Simon Grant, Rob Ward, and David Nocol, July 2008.
SmartSurfaces: a Multidisciplinary, Hands-on, Think-tank by John Marshall, Max Shtein, and Karl Daubmann. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2011
Standards of Accreditation: Track Changes Version, September 2012
Study on the Role of E-Portfolios in Formative and Summative Assessment Practices by Janet Strivens, David Baume, Catherine Owen, Simon Grant, Rob Ward, David Nicol (Project Team JISC) 30 September 2009
Techniques for Encouraging Reflection in Design, by Moura Quayle and Douglas Paterson. Journal of Architectural Education, Vol. 42, No. 2 (Winter, 1989), pp. 30-42
The utility of an ‘Assessment for Learning’ discourse for Design educators, by Erik Bohemia, Kerry Harman and Liz McDowell, Northumbria University, 2009
WSCUC Accreditation Redesign at a Glance: A Guide to the Draft 2013 Handbook of Accreditation, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
What I Learned in College by Colleen Flaherty in Inside Higher Ed, February 28, 2014
Why Are We Assessing? (Debra Ballard worked on this.)
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