Location: NC997 S85 2015 (circulating)
Ours is the facsimile edition.
From Wikipedia:
Visual Design in Action (1961) argues for future advances in graphic design and defines design. This Modern design book has been compared to Tschichold's Die Neue Typographie. It was an exhibition of his work and a self-funded book
Ladislav Sutnar (9 November 1897 – 13 November 1976) was a graphic designer from PlzeĆ, Czechoslovakia who was a pioneer of information design and information architecture. Although he is uncredited, his contributions to business organization benefited society, which included creating a user-friendly telephone directory by implementing parenthetical area codes. He received design commissions from a variety of employers, including McGraw-Hill, IBM, and the United Nations. He also worked as art director for Sweet's Catalog Service for almost twenty years. Sutnar held many one-man exhibitions, and his work is on permanent display in MoMA. He is best known for his books, including Controlled Visual Flow: Shape, Line and Color, Package Design: The Force of Visual Selling, and Visual Design in Action: Principles, Purposes. Sutnar was a master of exhibition design, typography, advertising, posters, magazine and book design.
Although well after his time, Sutnar's methods of conveying information in a manner that evoked attention can be linked to the navigational aids of web design.
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