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Student Success Guide: Find Your Campus Resource

Find Your Resource


Academic Mentoring is a unique, academic control-enhancing process that is organized around a set of questions relating to educational milestones, and builds upon answers considered in previous terms to help students acquire skills and attitudes that promote their intellectual and personal development. Students confer with Academic Mentors on key questions and challenges that shape their educational experiences, from adjusting to college life to choosing a major, defining and fulfilling educational goals, and transitioning toward graduate education or professional practice.


Academic Advising provides individual guidance in course selection, schedule planning, and graduation checks prior to registration each semester.


The One Stop @ Otis College offers a central location for Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Registration, and Student Accounts services, information, and resources.


Career Services provides support and services to students and alumnx through the stages of career exploration, personal and professional growth, and employment. We also work with local, national, and global employers and cultural institutions to cultivate opportunities for students and alumnx. 


As part of the Student Health and Wellness Center, Student Counseling Services supports the mission of Otis College of Art and Design by providing counseling services, mental health outreach, and co-curricular activities designed to help students maintain psychological wellness to enhance functionality and motivation as they pursue their academic goals.


Disability Services is responsible for providing services and determining reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities based on supporting documentation.


All currently enrolled Otis College of Art and Design degree seeking students have free access to the Student Health and Wellness Center, including those without the student health insurance plan.


Student Activities provides programs and events that stimulate creativity and refresh the spirit. Events, programs, and lectures are supported by the Student Voice Association (SVA) and the Campus Activities Board (CAB).

Student Voice Association, Clubs / Organizations, Campus Activities Board, as well as Peer Mentors, and Commencement are all part of the rich student experience.


The Student Learning Center (SLC) seeks to provide Otis College's diverse student population with the support tools they need in order to grow as individuals, scholars, and artists. Support is offered by peer writing consultants and tutors to assist students in improving their academic performance.

Did you know? Research shows that students who regularly consult with writing tutors earn higher grades.

The SLC is located in the northwest corner of the Millard Sheets Library. Stop by for a visit!

Please consult the SLC website for detailed information.

Students: Schedule a tutoring appointment.

Faculty: Refer your students with this form.

Success Coaching

Academic coaching increases self-awareness, improves the learning experience, and focuses on the development of skills that will serve you throughout your career and in life.

Ready to meet with a Success Coach? Click the button below:

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