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Introduction to Visual Culture

I-Search Paper / Research Report: Suggested List of Pairs (2020)

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  1. Cave Painting at Chauvet vs. Spiral Jetty (Smithson)
  2. Venus of Urbino (Titian) vs. I Am Its Secret (Neshat)
  3. Olympia (Manet) vs. Daughter of Art History (Morimura)
  4. Athenian Parthenon vs. Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Lin)
  5. Discobobolus (Myron) vs. 25 Colored Marilyns (Warhol)
  6. David (Michelangelo) vs. Wonder Woman (Birnbaum)
  7. Lindisfarne Gospel vs. iPhone
  8. Job Cigarette Advertising Poster (Mucha) vs. Louis Vuitton Bag (Murakami)
  9. Chartres Cathedral vs. Disney Concert Hall (Gehry)
  10. The Last Supper (Leonardo) vs. Dinner Party (Chicago)
  11. Terracotta Army vs. Calavera of the Revolution (Posada)
  12. Hagia Sophia vs. South Africa Constitutional Court
  13. Palette of Narmer vs. Installation (Walker)
  14. Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (Gentileschi) vs. Evening Attire (VanDerZee)
  15. Migration Series (Lawrence) vs. The Artifact Piece (Luna)
  16. Las Meninas (Velasquez) vs. White Guise (Saar)
  17. Anavysos Kouros vs. Astro Boy (Tezuka)
  18. The Treachery of Images (Magritte) vs. Survival (Protect Me From What I Want) (Holzer)
  19. The Stonebreakers (Courbet) vs. Study of Perspective, Tiananmen Square (Ai Weiwei)
  20. Self-Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States (Kahlo) vs. I Love America and America Loves Me (Beuys)
  21. Still life in Studio (Daguerre) vs. Electronic Superhighway (Paik)
  22. White Iris (Georgia O'Keeffe) & vs. Untitled no.92 (Sherman)
  23. Woman of Willendorf (formerly Venus of Willendorf) vs. Fountain (Duchamp)
  24. Our Gods: Coatlicue Transformed (Herrán) vs. Scramble for Africa (Shonibare)

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