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Citation Guide (MLA 8th Edition) - ARCHIVE: Other contributors

Other contributors (Works Cited)

Other contributors is the fourth core element. If someone other than the primary author (or editor) contributed to the source in a way that is relevant to your paper, you can identify that person by including this element.

  • This element begins with a description of the other contributor. The descriptor is capitalized or not depending on the punctuation directly preceding it - if preceded by a comma, do not capitalize, if preceded by a period, do capitalize the first word. Some common descriptors include:
    • adapted by
    • directed by
    • edited by
    • illustrated by
    • introduction by
    • narrated by
    • performance by
    • translated by
  • If you use information from an introduction, preface, foreword or afterword, begin the citation with the author of that piece.
  • This element ends with a comma.

Personal author(s) with editor(s):

Tynan, Kenneth. "The Kansas Farm Murders." The Critical Response to Truman Capote, edited by Joseph J. Waldmeir and John C. Waldmeir, Greenwood Press, 1999, pp. 129-34.​

Personal author(s) with translator(s):

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Translated by Stanley Corngold, 2013 ed., Modern Library, 1915.

Multiple relevant contributors:

"Something Nice Back Home." Lost, directed by Stephen Williams, performance by Matthew Fox, season 4, episode 10, Bad Robot, 2008.

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