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Citation Guide (MLA 8th Edition) - ARCHIVE: Government Documents


Access Date

Works from the web can typically be changed or removed at any time, so while it's optional, the date which you accessed material is often important.  This is especially true when there is no date specifying when an item was produced.This date will be added to the end of the entry. E.g. Accessed 23 July 2016.


The format of dates is: Day Month (shortened) Year. E.g. 5 Sept. 2012.

Whether to give the year alone or include a month and day depends on your source: write the full date as you find it there.

If no date is listed, omit it unless you can find that information available in a reliable source.


Capitalize the first letter of every important word in the title. You do not need to capitalize words such as: in, of, or an.

If there is a colon (:) in the title, include what comes after the colon (also known as the subtitle).

Government Document on a Website

Department, Agency or Committee. Title of Document: Subtitle if Given. Edition if given and is not first edition, Publisher, Publication Date, URL. Accessed date.

For in-text citations, use (Abbreviated Name of Departmner, Agency or Committee)

Works Cited List Example

Competition Bureau of Canada. Highlights from the Competition Bureau’s Workshop on Emerging Competition Issues. Competition Bureau of Canada, 4 Mar. 2016,$FILE/cb-Workshop-Summary-Report-e.pdf. Accessed 6 July 2016.

In-Text Citation Example

(Competition Bur. of Can.)

 Note: You can use a shortened form of the title by listing the first word or words of the full title.

US Congressional Document in Print

United States, Congress, House or Senate, Name of Agency or Committee. Title of Document: Subtitle if Given. Edition if given and is not first edition, Publisher, Publication Date. US Congress Session Information, Report Number.

For in-text citations, use (Abbreviated form of Agency)

Works Cited List Example

United States, Congress, Senate, Joint Economic Committee. What lower labor force participation rates tell us about work opportunities and incentives. Senate Hearing 15 July 2015, Government Printing Office, 2015. 114th Congress, 1st session.

In-Text Citation Example

(US Cong. Sen. Joint Econ. Comm. 35)

 Note: You can use a shortened form of the department or agency.

Government Document in Print

Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee. Title of Document: Subtitle if Given. Edition if given and is not first edition, Publisher, Publication Date.

For in-text citations, use (Abbreviated form of Agency or Title)

Works Cited List Example

 Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report. 7th ed., Statistics Canada, 2015. 

In-Text Citation Example

(Women in Canada 4)

 Note: If there is no author, you can use a shortened form of the title by listing the first word or words of the full title.

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