Access to LinkedIn Learning ( Through Otis College Has Ended
As of April 18th, 2021, Learning subscription will no longer be available through Otis College.
After careful consideration, the decision was made after comparing the impact of the increased cost for the annual renewal with usage metrics from reports we retrieved from LinkedIn. Our usage as a community has been low, less than 12%.
For those currently using LinkedIn Learning within your courses and need to keep your learning history, you can continue usage by purchasing a personal account for a short period of time or access for free. IT staff are here to assist you.
FREE ACCESS to LinkedIn Learning is made available via the Los Angeles Public Library -- instructions detailed below.
You may be eligible for a 1-month free trial if you "reactivate" your Otis LinkedIn Learning account as a paid subscription.
To access LinkedIn Learning (Lynda) via the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) website:
LAPL migrated from to LinkedIn Learning on April 26, 2021. Your LAPL learning history may not have been migrated.
Visit the LAPL page for more information about accessing LinkedIn Learning::
You will be able to view your progress, download certificates, etc. under My History. This is also how you can re-activate your Otis account; you may qualify for a free 30-day trial.
Some LinkedIn Learning content is free. If you need to access paid content in order to complete an assignment, click on the Start Your Free Trial button on your landing page. Don’t forget to cancel the subscription before the trial ends.
You'll retain access to your completed courses to add to your LinkedIn profile, but paid course content will no longer be available.
Some LinkedIn Learning content is available for free.
NO. LAPL migrated from to LinkedIn Learning in late April. They have chosen to not connect its LinkedIn Learning subscriptions with LinkedIn accounts. That will prevent you from managing history across multiple LinkedIn Learning accounts.
MAYBE. It depends on the privacy choices made by the other institution.
YES. Learn more about how to manage history across Linkedin Learning accounts.
You should be eligible for 1-month free trial. Then it costs $20-30 per month. Learn more about paid subscriptions.
Learn more about reactivating a LinkedIn Learning subscription.
You'll be able to access LinkedIn Learning by logging into and clicking on the Learning button in the menu bar. You may be asked to enter your Otis College credentials.
Connect your LinkedIn account to see trending courses for professionals like you, get custom recommendations based on your professional experience, and access Learning directly from
Your organization can only see your learning activity on LinkedIn Learning and your basic profile information (e.g., name, title, photo). However, your organization will not see any of your activity on
You’re in control. Your LinkedIn network will only see what you choose to share with your network. For example, you can add completed courses to your profile or share courses with your connections.
Yes. To disconnect them, follow these directions.
Lynda Weinman and Bruce Heavin started in 1995. LinkedIn purchased in 2015; Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in 2016. The content was re-branded as LinkedIn Learning.
For many years, the Library had a limited number of seats in circulation. Patrons could borrow a log-in from the Library for 3 weeks of access.
Beginning in August 2015, all Otis College students, faculty, and staff had access via lyndaCampus.
In August 2019, Otis College upgraded to LinkedIn Learning.
Due to low usage compared to cost, the subscription was cancelled in April 2021.
Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis