The REQUIRED TEXTBOOK for this course is History of Art: A Global View (W.W. Norton, 2021). We have a copy on reserve* within the library, which you can access by asking for help at the Circulation Desk. There is also the ability to preview portions of this text for free through the publisher's website.
*Please note: Items on reserve cannot circulate (i.e., be checked out/taken out of the library), but you can use them for few hours at a time within the library. We have scanners available if you want to create PDFs of content from the book (please be mindful of copyright restrictions).
Browsing the Stacks: Books related to visual culture will primarily be within the N class (Fine Arts). The N section has subclasses: N = Visual Arts; NA = Architecture; NB = Sculpture; NC = Drawing / Design / Illustration; ND = Painting; NE = Print media; NK = Decorative arts; NX = Arts in general. For more on Library of Congress classifications, see this guide.
Art history survey textbooks are good reference materials, as they typically have detailed images and contain a wide range of artworks (as well as design and architecture) spanning time and place. They are typically in the N5300 section. Generally, in the US, Helen Gardner, Fred Kleiner, Marilyn Stokstad, and H.W. Janson are taught in conventional art history curricula.
Print books from our collection are featured below. Some of these titles, among others, are also available digitally through the Open Library (links at the bottom of the page). Note: The addition of REF at the end of the call number indicates that it is in the Reference Collection housed at the front of the library.
Databases help you discover eBooks and articles. When searching for articles, your results might include links to digitally access the full text, or you might find citations to locate the article within the corresponding print periodical. Periodicals are publications like journals, magazines, and newspapers (i.e., items printed periodically, identified as different issues).
The following databases are subscribed to by the library, which you will use your Otis credentials to access, or they are available freely on the internet:
Full-text articles from 630 art and design magazines, 220 books, and 63,0000 images + 3,100 multidisciplinary periodicals.
Some of these canonical art history textbooks are available as eBooks through the Internet Archive's Open Library (create a free account to digitally "borrow"):
Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis
Millard Sheets Library | MyOtis | 310-665-6930 | Ask a Librarian