A second-semester integrated learning studio course introduction Foundation students to contextually based problem solving using the fundamentals of color and design. Students learn Munsell color theory and the practical aspects of color-mixing such as value, hue, chroma and computer color application. Students solve problems that engage the larger community, trans-disciplinary practices, research and collaboration.
During Sophmore year, students are introduced to an integrated learning course that uses collaborative methodologies that expands their ability to synthesize diverse perspectives into their work. Using the skills of creative and critical thinking, clear communication, research methodologies and information literacy, students begin working with partners and teams to identify needs and develop collaborative solutions.
In Junior year, students work in teams during this upper-divison interdisciplinary studio course. They are introduced to real-world partners and issues which affords students the opportunity to engage with professionals from various fields and expand their notions of problem solving beyond their majors. Working with site-specific content and often in site-specific spaces, students engage community partners to make social and environmental change and impact.
Creative Action Classes are composed of students from each discipline; therefore, to enable each class to be interdisciplinary, we hold spots for each major in each class. If we do not have restrictions on how many students of each major go into each class, we would have classes filled with only one major and then it would not count for your Creative Action requirement. We ask for students’ top three choices so that in the case that multiple students of each major submit identical forms, we can accommodate a student’s preference, even if it’s not their first pick. It is random who gets their top choice and who gets their second choice, though people who turned in their forms the day of the fair do get priority over students who turn in their forms the next day or any day after. Usually, we are able to give students who turn in their forms in the day of the fair one of their top two choices.
Part of what makes a Creative Action class is its interdisciplinary nature (having students from each major in the classes); therefore, we need to divide up the students of each majors and keep a somewhat proportionate amount in each class. If we do not have restrictions on how many students of each major go into each class we would have classes filled with only one major and then it would not count for your Creative Action requirement. The reason we ask for students‘ top three choices, is that often times students are submitting like forms and unfortunately, we cannot accommodate all students from the same major into the same class. It is random who gets their top choice and who gets their second choice, though people who turned in their forms the day of the fair do get priority over students who turn in their forms the next day. Thankfully we were able to give everyone who turned in their forms the day of the fair one of their top two choices.
Student placement will be posted on the CAIL door (room 606a) the Friday after the fair. Please either visit the CAIL office or email Aknight@otis.edu to find out what class you have received permission to register for. You will still need to register for you CAIL class; however, you will only be able to register for the specific class you have been given permission to register in.
Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis