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Past Faculty Development Activities: Overview

Otis College has encouraged and supported faculty development in a variety of ways. This guide collects information about these past activities.

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Past Activities

Annual TLC "Teach-In"

Annual “Teach-Ins” (aka Convocation Workshops). Numerous workshops were offered in conjunction with Convocation. These were often technology related, but with an emphasis on how technology can support pedagogy.

O Teaching Matters Blog

O Teaching Matters Blog (2007-2008). Edited by Debra Ballard, this online faculty resource covers a range of topics relevant to beginning and experienced teaching practitioners alike. Topics include learning styles, assessment, information literacy, writing across the curriculum, best practices, the new Integrated Learning curriculum at Otis, ESL learners in the classroom, technology and teaching, active learning, layered curricula, Liberal Studies in the 21st century, and “core” in art and design higher education today.

Originally posted on its own blog, it was integrated into Millard Sheets Library blog ( ended in 2017.)

Faculty Pecha Kucha

Faculty members share short presentations of works “in progress,” or other professional activities in a quick format using images that change every 20 seconds.

Faculty Pecha Kucha poster

Brown Bag Discussion

Upon occasion, faculty convene to discuss issues of art/design pedagogy, related research, and/or teaching tips. Led by some of Otis' most experienced and respected teachers.


From 2009-2014, Otis experimented with a Diigo group to collect and share best practices for teaching.

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials by Faculty for Faculty allowed colleagues to learn from one another about themes and topics germane to all who teach our students. [Access limited to Faculty]

eLearning Showcases

The annual eLearning Showcase is an opportunity to learn about the amazing projects in blended and online learning development underway at Otis! Faculty across the college share their excellent, innovative work in this area.

As of spring 2017, showcase presentations are now incorporated into Academic Assembly.

Spring 2016 presenters

Spring 2015 presenters

TLC Technology Grants

Mini-grants offered 2005 - 2008 through the Fletcher Jones Grant.

Full list of grantees and reports

Diversity Grants

Grants to infuse diversity into the curriculum (offered 2017-2018).

More information

OARS Initiatve

From 2015-2018, the OARS (Otis Assessment Research and Scholarship) Initiative gave grants investigate research questions and methodology for faculty-led research in the classroom.

More information

Software Upgrade Grants

Ended in 2021

Grants are available to full-time, adjunct, and part-time faculty from the Provost's Office for software upgrades that enhance teaching.

All faculty members who have taught at Otis for a minimum of two years are eligible for software upgrade grants, which will be administered as reimbursements.  Please note that the grants suport software upgrades (or comparable academic version purchases) only and that the Provost's Office reserves the right to approve, deny, and/or cap awards.

Software upgrade grants can help support many faculty needs, including (but not limited to):

  • Maintaining current Microsoft Office programs to assist in presentation and document prepartion, or receiveing and commenting on student papers.
  • Staying current in academic versions of Adobe Creative Suite programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, etc.) that serve both in professional activity and teaching.
  • Preparing for classes dependent on exotic or uncommon software programs that change or upgrade frequently and charge high fees for upgrade purchases.
  • Any other software updrades that will allow faculty members to teach a class, view and/or grade student work, or teach to the most current version of a program.

Requests will be accepted on a rolling basis until March 1. Purchases should be completed using Otis' Preferred Software Storefronts (see Academic Computing if software is not available through these sources):

To make a request, eligible faculty members should complete the Software Upgrade Request form and forward your Department Chair's written approval to the Provost.

Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis

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