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Past Faculty Development Activities: WORKSHOPS


Since 2005, the Teaching/Learning Center has offered a variety of workshops in conjunction with convocation. Originally named "Teach-Ins", numerous workshops were offered during 1-2 weeks before school started. These were often technology related, but with an emphasis on how technology can support pedagogy.

This page archives the workshops that have been offered by the TLC over the years.

Visit the TLC Workshops page for a list of current offerings.

TLC Workshops

Assessment 101

  • Join us for an informative session in which we will discuss the basics of assessment, from crafting strong Learning Outcomes to creating a Signature Assignment and rubrics for evaluation. This session will support department assessment efforts already underway. 

Capturing Your Own Photos

  • Learn how to scan a variety of image formats as well as capture your photos from your own camera. Once you have your images, learn Photoshop basics on how to save the photos to use for your own class or project. 

Communicating Beyond Email [NEW]

  • Concerned students aren't checking their email? This exciting workshop explores tools you can use beyond email to communicate with your students.

Engaging Students

  • Come learn about best practices for teaching less-skilled, less motivated, or potentially less-engaged-than-average students. 

Gameplay in the Classroom (Gamification)

  • Join us to explore the way game structure and gameplay can encourage learning within the classroom. 


  • Join us to learn about a useful web tool to support student writing in any class. Grammarly provides automated grammar tutorials, text-revision assistance as well as citation audit tools. 


  • This workshop will focus on the use and creation of infographics (graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and effectively) as well as eTools that can help you.

Information Literacy (Basic Database Searching)

  • Introduction to the various online resources purchased by the Otis Library and the methods for finding needles in the haystack of billions of pages of data. Discussion of strategies for faculty to use in teaching students how to appropriately research. 

iPad Apps for the Creative Process

  • Stop by the TLC to learn about some top iPad Apps being used in higher education.

Jumpstart Your Semester

  • This workshop explores ways to start your semester off right.

Learning Management System

  • The online work-space for Otis Classes and Community Groups. Upload your Syllabus, articles to read, movies to watch, links to websites, or quizzes to take. Have online class discussions, use the grade book, or track attendance. This workshop explores the functionality of our LMS and includes strategies for using the system to support classroom instruction.

Motivation in the Classroom

  • This workshop and discussion will focus on strategies and techniques for keeping students engaged and motivated to get it done! We will explore intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivations and ways faculty can transform the classroom.

Navigating the Curriculum Map

  • We will discuss department efforts in using Institutional Learning Outcomes, rubrics and making connections to your coursework with Signature Assignments.

OHKR - Instructional Technology Strategy

  • Unsure what technology to use in your classroom? Overwhelmed by the ever-increasing number of apps and tools? Not sure where to start? This session is for you! Meet with the Instructional Designer to get one-on-one support specific to your class and needs.


  • General introduction to our Otis Digital Image Database (DID). Create slideshows for your classes. Learn how to sign in, search the databases, and select images to create a presentation. Practice with the presentation viewer. Organize your slideshows. Upload your personal images to supplement ours. Create canned searches. Burn your slideshow to a CD. Export your images to PowerPoint.

Presentation Tools

  • This workshop explores web-based presentation tools and how such presentations can be turned into quick videos.

Quick Video

  • Join us for a demo on how to turn your desktop computer into a video demo tool. Will include an introduction to screencasting!

Rebooting the Syllabus

  • Learn about crafting a syllabus and strategies for presenting your syllabus content in a dynamic way! 

Social Media For The Classroom 

  • This workshop will look at different social media sites and how they can be leveraged to enhance classroom learning.

Teaching Tips

  • Review Chickering and Gamson’s "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education." Since these points were developed in 1987, new communication and information technologies have arrived. Discuss how you can apply these valuable techniques today and share what may have worked for you in the world of the Net Generation.

Webforms for the Classroom

  • In this workshop we will explore classroom applications for webforms. Webforms are useful tools for online quizzes, coordinating classroom activities and collecting material.

What's Your Game Plan?

  • Join us for an interactive session in which we will play a brainstorming game to enhance the traditional lesson/lecture. Faculty will learn how to integrate educational games effectively into the classroom to increase student engagement. This is a collaborative session; we will be working in teams.

Time to Zoom!

  • This session will explore all the many uses of Otis' new online web conferencing platform Zoom. Zoom is a user friendly system that allows you to communicate with your students online from office hours to live synchronous instruction - the possibilities are endless! Come find out more!

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