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Black Lives Matter

About These Resources

The resources below are a good place to START learning more about the issues and topics discussed in this guide. it is not a definitive list.

Please send us suggestions and comments.

Recommended Databases

Finding Artists and Designers of Color

Check out our new research guide Finding Diverse Artists and Designers

CAUTION: Data Manipulation

Whenever you are working with statistics, be mindful of the underlying data:

  • Who gathered the data? Why are they gathering it?
  • How did they collect the data? Was the data self-reported?
  • What questions were asked? Did they including leading questions?
  • What is the sample size? Is it large enough to be significant?
  • Who is reporting the data? Why?

Learn more about thinking critically about statistics:

  • Mona Chalabi: 3 Ways to Spot a Bad Statistic: TED talk

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