All information related to PT Faculty Development Grants is located on the bulletin board on the first floor of Ahmanson by the elevators.
For more information, including eligibility and how to apply for funds, please contact your Labor Management Committee members Badly Licked Bear at or Stephanie Sabo at
The Faculty Development Fund for part-time faculty is facilitated by Otis College’s Labor Management Committee, as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Otis College of Art and Design and the Service Employees International Union Local 721 on October 1, 2020 (see page 18 of the agreement).
Part-time employees who have taught at least one course each semester for three semesters will be able to receive reimbursement for approved expenses associated with professional development activities directly related to teaching courses assigned to the bargaining unit employee, such as exhibitions, conferences, and seminars.
Faculty research grants are available to all faculty who are interested in researching best teaching and learning practices in their classroom and have been teaching at Otis College for at least one year. Visit this page for more information.
Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis