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Accessing Library Resources from Off Campus

Remote access guide to Library services available during online instruction.
Fall 2021: Physical reserves will be available in the Library


However, we strongly encourage faculty to make their materials available online.

Electronic Reserve materials should be made available via the Nest.

Please contact Library staff for options on how to provide books, articles, videos, and other items, to your students.

If you are considering scanning material for course reserve, copyright law prohibits scanning entire works to post online. Please adhere to Otis College's copyright policies.

Books and Articles

I have readings that require students to utilize course reserves. How will my students access these titles if they are off campus?

  • First, check the library catalog. We may have an ebook edition of the title available through ProQuest Ebook Central, JSTOR, or another platform. You can add links to these ebooks into the Nest.
  • Submit a request for an ebook edition.
  • If the Library cannot obtain an ebook version, we recommend that faculty provide alternative readings that are available online. See the Library’s Catalog and Databases page for electronic books and articles.
  • In select cases, library staff will scan pages from a book and send the PDF to the patron.
  • If faculty need assistance, including finding equivalent materials from our online resources, please email Heather Cleary at


I planned on screening a video in my class, or have students watch one for homework. How will my students access these titles if they are off campus?

  • First check the library catalog. We may have a streaming version available through Kanopy or another vendor. You can embed these videos into the Nest.
  • Submit a request for a streaming video. Many film distributors and producers are offering discounted or free access to their content during this transition period.
  • If the library cannot obtain a streaming version, we recommend that faculty provide alternative videos that are available online. Check the library’s Finding Images and Videos guide.
  • If faculty need assistance finding equivalent materials from our online resources, please email Derek McMullen at


I planned on showing a slideshow to my class. How can I make them available to students off campus?

  • First check the newly updated OtisDID. It contains thousands of images and does not require the Flash plugin. You can upload personal images to fill in gaps. Check out the help guide. You can add and embed links to these slideshows and PDFs into the Nest.
  • If you want to use PowerPoint or Keynote, post your presentation on Gdrive to share it with your students. Consider converting the file into a Google Presentation or PDF. Contact the TLC for assistance.
  • Consider reducing the file size (which lowers the loading time for students) by using smaller images or linking to hi-resolution versions on the web. Check the library’s Finding Images and Videos guide for tips on searching for images.
  • If faculty need assistance finding images and other materials from our online resources, please email Heather Cleary at

Open Access Content

Start Here

Additional Sites

Many of the items listed in the sites below are also indexed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis

Millard Sheets Library | MyOtis | 310-665-6930 | Ask a Librarian