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Research Guides

Librarians have created targeted guides to help students conduct research on many different subjects.

Specific Courses

Liberal Arts and Science (LAS) Core Courses

  • WRITING IN THE DIGITAL AGE (WITDA) - revised Fall 2023
  • WRITING AS DISCOVERY: THOUGHT LAB 1 - under construction for Fall 2024
  • VISUAL CULTURE 1: GATEWAYS TO ART AND CULTURE - under construction for Fall 2024
  • BIRTH OF THE MODERN - revised Spring 2024
  • WAYS OF KNOWING - revised Fall 2022
  • TRENDS AND THEORIES IN CONTEMPORARY ART - under construction for Fall 2024
  • CAPSTONE  - under revision for Fall 2024


Retired Courses

Retired Guides

These classes are no longer taught, but we are keeping them available for a limited time.

Otis College of Art and Design | 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 | MyOtis

Millard Sheets Library | MyOtis | 310-665-6930 | Ask a Librarian